
Realm of the Elves

“Misted rains, and waters collected in small pools, folded together with the sounds of echoing whispers and the mysteries of forgotten shelters. The warmth of a fire that does not burn, and soothing ice that does not frost.”

Alfheim is the realm of the elves, created by Ve. It is one of the primal realms and is a very difficult place of humanity to grasp or experience. Here, time and space are fluid and unpredictable; not even the gods can feel safe navigating through the mists of Alfheim without losing their way. For their part, the elves make it no easier, using their magics to shift the terrain and confuse guests and trespassers alike.

The elves are slender creatures with pale, bluish skin. They range in height from very short to impressively tall. They are immortal who have a low conception of the passage of time; an hour is as useless a measure as a year is to them. The elves are masters of art, song, and games. They spend much of their time creating elegant melodies and articulate poetry. Their dancers have the ability to mesmerize an audience, and their paintings and sculptures are said to be completely lifelike.

The elves have no love for mankind or the gods. Long ago, they sided with that sister in the attempt to create war and chaos amongst the gods. Olvaldi, their king, pressed his advantages too hard and ruined clever subterfuge with his desire for victory. In punishment, the elves were banned from entering the walls of Asgard for all time; in response the elves shut their own doors and have remained reclusive.

The elves are, occasionally, sought for their artfulness and cleverness but they often demand a hefty payment, far beyond the actual worth of their service.

  • No. Humans are often tricked into entering the realm of Alfheim by elves. Once there, they find themselves lost for an ageless amount of time. At the precipice of their madness, they will be offered a compact by the elves. Most gladly take the deal and all live to regret it.

  • There have been cultures who have paid a ransom to the elves just to keep them from harassing and capturing their loved ones. This is the nature of how elves relate to humanity.

    Unlike other creatures, elves will gladly listen to human pleas, but woe awaits any who are foolish enough to attempt such dealings. The elves seek nothing but misery from humanity.

    There are tales of humans who are able to trick or capture elves to force them into compacts. Beware the wrath of an elf scorned in such a manner. Beware any who claim a good relation with elves - they either deceive you, or themselves.

  • This question is based on tales of elves being used in such a fashion. Anyone who asks this question has not bother to read these tales to their conclusion. There has never been a history of elves being used for muses where the artist did not suffer dire and cruel consequences.