Here stand the Gothlag, Othin’s kith and kin. Know their number, learn well their kindess and wrathfulness

The First Niundr

  • Othin

    Othin is the great creator and father to all things. He rules all of the nine realms. His story is the story of the universe and all things within it.

  • Ve

    Ve is the god of faith and understanding. Ve gave humanity their faith and their loyalty. He is pleased to witness these expressions.

  • Frigg

    Frigg is the queen of Asgard, wife of Othin, and mother of Thor. Frigg has a great love for teachers, students, and researchers - any who wish to understand the world.

  • Fulla

    Fulla is the handmaiden of Frigg; her trusted companion and the only person she confides her secrets to. Fulla is the keeper of hidden knowledge.

  • Hlinn

    Hlinn is the protector of Frigg, and armored warrior who enforces the royal decree. Hlinn watches over the safety of all innocents, especially women.

  • Thor

    Thor is the son of Othin and Frigg, and the husband of Sif. Thor is the friend and protector of Midgard and all mankind.

  • Tyr

    Tyr is a son of Othin and a master of combat and tactics. Tyr believes in fairness and duty above all things; he is the embodiment of order and respect.

  • Forseti

    Forseti is the great arbiter, he maintains Othin’s laws. It is his role to ensure arguments are settled with oath and pact, rather than emotion and accusation.

  • Hermothr

    Hermothr is the messenger of the gods, the nimblest of all the gods, the swiftest, and one of the bravest.

The Second Niundr

  • Freya

    Freya is the queen of Vanaheim. She brings green life to the nine realms. She is the mother of all living things, not just man, but animal, plant, and fungus.

  • Villi

    Villi is the god of willfulness. Villi believes in freedom and debate, he dislikes being tied down by order and agreement.

  • Freyr

    Twin brother of Freya, Freyr is the god of forests. Freyr protects the natural world and provides passage and prey to those who respect his ward.

  • Skathi

    Skathi is the wife of Freyr. She is the hunter of shadows who stalks the mountains. She has no love for mankind. Snows and ice follow in her wake.

  • Gefjon

    Gefjon is the goddess of the harvest. She is the enemy of hunger and is a loving patron to farmers and agriculturalists.

  • Njorthr

    Njorthr is the father who is also Njortha, the mother. The singular parent of Freya and Freyr. Njorthr is the great salted sea, Njortha is the endless blowing sky. Two as one.

  • Odr

    Odr is the god of the natural spirit, the connection between beings, the attraction and understanding between all living things.

  • Lothur

    Lothur is the god of animals. Lothur is no friend to mankind. Lothur will grant no boon to humans, accept no champion among them, and punish those who attempt to worship him.

  • Ithunn

    Ithunn is the goddess of plants, consort of both Lothur and Gefjon. Ithunn does not concern herself with humanity, and scarcely pays mind to other gods.

The Third Niundr

  • Mani

    Mani is the goddess of the moon. Mani journeys across the sky in a chariot that carries the light of the moon, she enjoys mankind and gives them safe passage through dark nights.

  • Dellingr

    Dellingr is the god of the sun who journeys across the sky carrying the light of the day. Dellingr is unconcerned with most activities but can be pleased to witness contest and victory.

  • Loki

    Loki is the adversary who is both loved and hated by the gods. Loki detests mankind, believing them to be useful only as slaves or to be hunted for sport. He will only bring misfortune and pain.

  • G_______

    That sister, the wretched hag, passion goddess of greed. Hated by the gods for the avarice she seeds in the hearts of many.

  • Lofn

    Lofn is the passion goddess of love. She seeks to inspire passionate love between beings. She is kind and gentle and much loved.

  • Saga

    Saga is the passion goddess of foresight. Saga sits above the nine realms on a branch of the great tree and sees all things.

  • Var

    Var is the passion goddess of Oaths. She is the most revered of the sisters among the Aesir and is given a special seat in their halls. Var enforces oaths through fate.

  • Snotra

    Snotra is the passion goddess of Cleverness. Snotra is called upon often but rarely does she answer. She takes pride in helping those who are struggling.

  • Hel

    Hel is the goddess of death, ruler of her namesake realm. Hel loves all who live with her and treats them as beloved children, yet she hates all who live above her and despises those who attempt to escape her kingdom.

The Fourth Niundr

  • Sif

    Sif is the goddess of family, protector of mankind and wife of Thor. Sif takes joy in kinship between all creatures, but especially loves mankind for their ability to find kinship among those who are not kin.

  • Hoenir

    Hoenir is the god of instinct. The whisperer of knowledge no writer can record and the keen sense of purpose that no speaker can describe.

  • Heimdallr

    Heimdallr is the god of vigilance. Heimdallr stands on the edge of Asgard and watches the nine realms for signs of Ragnarok. Heimdallr does not hear or answer the prayers of mankind, but signals all realms when there is imbalance.

  • Syn

    Syn is the goddess of resistance who rebukes any move against justice. When the path is blocked by Syn, there are none who can pass. Just as she can prevent injustice from escaping, she can inspire resistance against injustice and tyranny.

  • Ran

    Ran is the goddess of thieves, opposing the order and process of commerce.

  • Vuyr

    Vuyr is the goddess of care and gentle attention. Vuyr is the helper of the forgotten things who lets nothing go unnoticed or unattended.

  • Thrud

    Thrud is the goddess of inner strength, tireless effort, and perseverance. The first child of Thor and Sif, Thrud loves mankind as her parents do, and more than any other god, intervenes on their behalf.

  • Vithar

    Vithar is the god of cold vengence who seeks justice against wrongs unrecognized. Vithar is happy to visit pain and suffering on any person under the guise of vengence.

  • Ullr

    Ullr is the great archer. His love for mankind is great but he does not answer many prayers. Ullr is a warrior who loves warriors but does not care for victory in battle.

The Fifth Niundr

  • Mimir

    Mimir is the keeper of Wisdom who holds the secrets of the universe. He is the unknown child of Ymir. Othin allows Mimir to speak only to him.

  • Seaxnot

    Seaxnot is the god of succession who enforces rightful command. He is unconcerned with who rules, only that the rulership is lawful and followed loyally.

  • Valir

    Valir is the god of lawful judgement who is charged with carrying out lawful vengeance for the gods. Valir is an instrument of execution but not justice, guilt is not his concern.

  • Hoedr

    Hoedr is the god of misfortune. He has been damned and feels kinship with those who have likewise been damned by circumstance or betrayal.

  • Baldr

    Baldr is the god of peace and goodness, the first son of Othin and Frigg. Baldr was meant to be the benevolent ruler of Midgard and ensure ever lasting peace. He is now lost to Hel forever

  • Bragi

    Bragi is the god of artistry and poetry. Bragi loves those who make art, and most of all those who tell stories with their art.

  • Sygn

    Sygn is the goddess of mislead love, the patron of those who fall in love with the unworthy. She does her best to give strength to those who have misplaced their affections on the cruel or malicious.

  • Sjofin

    Sjofin is the goddess of love who brings romance to both the gods and mankind. Sjofin is a whimsical character who gives and takes the gift of love with ease and seeming randomness.

  • Eir

    Eir is the goddess of mercy and empathy who often commands the attention of the courts of Asgard. Eir does not care about trespass or crime, she looks into the hearts of men and gods and forgives the repentant.