For those who have an interest in the wisdom and teachings of the gods who came before. The lessons we seek in our hearts are written upon the world, Gothheyrandism is but one language to read these teachings.

  • Literally meaning the way of those who have heard the gods, Gothheyrandism seeks to understand our place in the world and find kinship and comfort. It is above all else an inclusive religion that seeks to build bonds between humanity and the gods.

  • The gods of all religions can be found in expressions of the Gothheyrandic pantheon; the names are drawn from the ancient religions of northern Europe, but it is no stretch to see how these gods have been represented by people throughout the history of the world. One of the tennant's of faith is the acceptance of other religions which are seen as a kindship of human faith. There is even a place for atheists at the table.

  • Hundreds. Though it is difficult to understand, especially if you come from a monotheistic tradition, there are many dozens of gods.

    Even those who believe in only one god, often understand that the cosmology of the universe contains many divine beings. Whether that manifests as a trinity or as a cohort of angels, almost all religions accept that there is more than a single holy being.

    Gothheyrandism identifies the principal gods who have influence on earth, and are concerned with human affairs. There are 45 principal gods broken into 5 groups of 9 gods each.

    This division was given by the All-father himself, and while there are additional gods in the universe, none of them are called upon or recognized by the Gothheyrandi.

  • There is one rule above all, hold sacred your covenants; those with your gods and those with each other.

    As for the gods, they seldom ask for specific fealties or requirements. Kindness is a principal virtue, as is generosity.

    It follows that loyalty and friendship are are highly regarded; community is an important factor in the religion.

    Acceptance and humility are also encouraged: All of humanity is equal in the eyes of the gods, regardless of heritage, race, gender, sexuality, political affiliation, or even religion; all are welcomed to the table without prejudice or requirement.

    In concordance with this, avarice, hate, and ignorance are considered to be spiritual failings that must be overcome.

  • Yes, but it is also different. Gothheyrandism is a living religion.

    The religions of northern Europe lasted for thousands of years in different forms, and those forms changed over time. The obsession with conservatism is not a new one, but it can be hurtful and flawed in execution.

    A theologian once noted that a religion that weds the spirit of its age will be widowed in the next. I might argue that a religion married to any age dooms itself to this fate.

    Gothheyrandism is not a recreationist religion, it does not attempt to replicate the faith and practices of an age that is no longer relevant. Instead, the religion seeks to bring the truths of ancient wisdoms into a contemporary setting.

    This does not mean the past has been abandoned, only that room has been made to grow. The world today is not the one from a thousand years ago, nor a thousand years before that; human culture is not the same and neither is the way the gods relate to us.

    There are ancient aspects and traditions to the religion, but they are guided with the flexibility to exist in the modern world.

  • There are some who might consider it to be. These are often people from other religions who have not taken the time to understand Gothheyrandism and its principals.

    An important thing to understand about Gothheyrandism is that it does not reject those of other faiths. It accepts that all people relate to the same gods in different ways. Christians are welcomed into our places of worship as well as people of Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, and Sikh faiths. All religions can be found within Gothheyrandism.

  • What if you are? No matter. Gothheyrandism does not reject or deny the physical world or scientific evidence. Carefully read the principals of Gothheyrandism, they are not an alien or intrusive moral code, they are simply a way to live.

    Yes, it is true, the Gothheyrandi believe in the gods as the gods believe in them. Does that do you harm? They will not reject you if you do not hold faith so long as you keep your word and offer kinship to others.

  • Yes, and no.

    You will always be welcomed by our kinships so long as you keep your word and encourage kinship. No one will force you to pray to their gods or reject your own. You will not have to do anything that is against your faith.

    You will be a welcomed guest in the halls of our kinships.

    The Gothheyrandi accept the presence of the gods and understand other faiths as expressions of these gods, to become a Gothheyrandi you would also have to accept this understanding.

    Always remember that even if you retain your understandings, you are no less welcome among us.

  • It says very little other than to accept their followers and treat their practices and tenants with respect. That being said, there are a few general understandings about other faiths:

    Judaism - The chosen of ancient Israel are kith to the Gothheyrandi, their people heard the call of the All-Father in the Earliest days. Honour them in your halls and make allowance for their observences. They are well loved by Ve, for they honour theological scholarship.

    Christianity - There are many similarities between the kindness of the Gothheyrandi and that of the Christians; they will bring many to their table just as we do. Their factionalism is difficult to reconcile and they often forget the messages of their own prophets regarding love and acceptance. Do not be afraid to stand with them in charity, but encourage them to make space in their hearts for all people. They are known to Baldr and he hears their callings strongest during Yule.

    Islam - The children of Allah are well regarded by the gods for they know the true spirit of brotherhood. Like Christians, they suffer from factionalism that can corrupt their prophets message of charity and kinship. Admire their faith and dedication and the way they love the poor and their families. Encourage acceptance of others among them and patience. Sif has a special love for those who practice Islam, the familial bonds of the mosques please her greatly.

    Hinduism - The Hindu understand the plurality of gods more than most religions and find an easy place among the temples of our kinships. Hear their wisdoms and find kinship among their reverence and relationships to the gods. Make a space for them at your table and share in their laughter. Though many gods have relationships with the Hindus, it is Thor who best loves their beliefs in the Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.

    Buddhism - The Buddhists understand that the nature of the world is beyond that of just what we can perceive. They understand the existence of the soul in many place and the relationship between action and fate. Let them guide you in finding a connection to the world, hear their words and teachings and be a friend to them. Frigg has great love for the wisdoms of the Buddhas.

    Sikhism - The Sikhs are well loved by many of the gods. Strong warriors who place service as a high virtue they are valuable allies and should find a comfortable place among any kinship. Defend them as against hate as they would defend you, this relationship is a strong bond. Tyr loves the Sikh more than any other god, for in them he finds his spiritual kin.

    Pagans - Those who worship old gods and new gods, those who practices magics and curses, those who celebrate life and continuation. They can have the most trouble integrating with kinships because they believe they have understandings that Gothheyrandi do not. No matter, accept their presence, allow them space for their rituals though ask them to use no magics in your holy spaces. Freya is generally most loved by pagans and she returns that love.

    Heathenry & Asatru - There is an obvious bond and kinship between the Gothheyrandi and these groups: they claim worship the same gods. The Asatru can be recreationist, and rely heavily on interpretations that can be problematic. No matter, welcome them into your halls and hear their stories, share your understandings and part as friends. Be cautious with heathens, be certain that they truly follow the old gods and are not pretenders.

    You can know a pretender by the way they twist the ideals of other religions or political ideologies into their understanding of the gods. Reject from your company any who believe the gods belong only to them or their ancestry; reject any who judge men by religion, heritage, sexuality, or identity - these are Loki’s kith and should be forsaken.

  • No.

    While the focus on Kinship and acceptance is a message of peace and harmony, that should not be construed for pacifism. Mankind has many capacities, and of them hate, violence, and avarice are sadly common.

    As Gothheyrandi we must resist the temptation toward these aspects, but we must accept they are part of the world. There is no moral law that says you cannot bring violence to bear in defense of your kin or your oaths; indeed such actions please many of the gods.

    The singular limitation on this is Murder. Killing a person without the righteousness of the law is strictly forbidden. The words of the All-father tell us that we must live within the laws of our lands, and we must seek kinship with those around us. Murder is the antithesis of kinship and should be rejected.

    This is true of many crimes which are universally accepted at wrong. There are few examples of cultures who give legal assent to sexual violence, thievery, assaults, or slander. Even when a society does accept some version of these activities, all Gothheyrandi should feel them to be against their principals. What kinship comes from theft? What kinship can be based in sexual abuse and violence? These are antithetical to the ways of the Gothheyrandi.