
The Gift of Othin

Midgard is the realm of humanity made by Othin to be the answer to the riddle of the nine realms. It is greatest of all realms.

Midgard you should know well, it is our home and place where we struggle and thrive. Othin created Midgard with pieces of all other realms so that it would be most connected to all things. From Midgard, Othin crafts his great plans and strategies to abate the destruction of all worlds.

Many of the gods have great interest in the dealings of mankind and Midgard, but not all of them. Still, there are few gods who do not visit Midgard on occasion, the bounties of this world are far too great to ignore. Humanity is not an interest for all gods, but many enjoy keeping with our people and knowing us, some even delight in it.

Midgard was originally to be given to Baldr to rule. It was Othin’s will to have the realm become a pinnacle light for all realms and defy forever, any chance to destroy his creations. The death of Baldr made those plans forfeit. In his elder brother’s stead, Thor and his wife, Sif, look over Midgard and protect humanity. Thor delights in the good works of mankind, the great cities and impressive technologies. Sif loves the congregations of humanity, their endless familial and cultural connections.

It was, in days gone by, the case that other realms could easily touch the lands of Midgard, but millennia of work by Sif and Thor have close the gates to most. No longer to the giants, dwarves, and elves walk among the humans; no longer to humans walk into their lands. Humanity is safely contained from other realms but not from itself.

Wars, slaughter, and brutality offend Sif greatly, whilst greed, deception, and thievery disgust Thor. Having worked so hard to free humanity from threats, they are both saddened to see mankind hurt itself in such ways.

  • It is surely possible, but the chances are nearly non-existent. Thor and Sif have worked for thousands of years to shut the gateways to other realms to keep humanity safe.

  • Faith is a very personal thing, how humanity interprets what they feel about the gods can be expressed differently. Believing the Othin is the only god, or that the three brothers collectively are a single god, or that any entity who is not from Midgard is a god; these are different understandings of the same truth.

    Othin is the all-father, the father of all things and all people. He has little concern for what you believe or if you believe his truth. His plans move in circles above such things. Midgard is the gift given by Othin to mankind, it does not matter to him how humanity chooses to honour his gift. Though gratitude is an apporach that is well regarded by peoples everywhere.