
The Realm of Fire

Mulspelheim was the first realm created by Ymir as he drew together the essence of heat in the early universe.

Mulspelheim is often known as the forge of elements, within the heat and fires of this place, matter and energy are combined, shattered, and recombined. Upon the molten surface of this world, you can find elements and matter of unimagined complexity and formation, as the core of this world radiates energy and particles of every kind. The surface is a volatile and constantly shifting landscape that explodes and reforms in the chaos of creation and destruction.

Mulspelheim is ruled by the Giant Surtr; first child created by the brothers Othin, Villi, and Ve. Surtr is a tainted creature of almost limitless powers, born from the passions and pain the brothers felt from the death of their father. Othin fears his power and with the help of his brothers, chained Surtr to Mulspelheim until the days of Ragnarok come to the land. On that day, when the power of Othin fails, Surtr will bring forth the chaos and destruction of Mulspelheim upon the nine realms and destroy all that is known.

Few beings find themselves in Mulspelheim, not even the heroes of Asgard dare to tread in that realm. The realm is too volatile to host life for very long, and any there quickly find themselves victims of the tumultuous chaos. Surtr’s Children, being of pure and obstinate hate, stalk the lands, full of rage toward their own creation. Loki has been known to trick mortals and punish them by sending them to wander those plains - most are obliterated, though some become the playthings for the cruel and malicious children of Surtr.

The judgements of Asgard rarely exile beings to Mulspelheim. Even the most heinous of crimes are not deemed worthy of such utter torture. Only those who are unrepentant oath breakers find themselves banished here. Still, there is hope even for the most forsaken. Every morning the goddess Eir flies over the surface of Mulspelheim searching for truly repentant souls in need of her salvation.

  • Humanity has always had a sense of an underworld of fire and suffering; the imagery appears in many different traditions.

    However, Mulspelheim does not fill a moral role in the cosmology of the nine realms. It is not the destination for all those who are meant to be punished; even grievous transgressors do not find themselves ‘sent’ to this realm.

  • Satan is a Judeo-Christian concept and does not fit with the truth of Surtr. Yes, both rule a realm of suffering and both are adversaries for the All-father. However, Surtr cares nothing for the affairs of mankind. He has no schemes or plans, no influence or allurement, he cares nothing for anything mankind does - barely even aware of their existence. He is fueled by hate and destruction of all things, and the All-Father most of all.

  • I have heard many curses that claim to curse people to be trapped in Surtr’s realm, or claim that by breaking an oath, the transgressor will doom themselves to walk the plains of fire. None of this has any merit. The pathways to Mulspelheim are sealed by the All-Father; it is only through his judgement and Forseti’s ascent that any might be exiled there.

    Loki also maintains hidden pathways that he uses for his own amusement, dooming those mortals and gods who draw his attentions.

  • Only the most powerful or cunning of the gods can travel to Mulspelheim with any safety. Othin is able to make the journey but rarely does. Eir travels there daily but her time is very brief due to the dangers involved. Loki knows various hidden ways and uses them to trap people there, while Hel also knows a path that she keeps guarded.